Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Great Gatsby Film Version.

The Great Gatsby has many different films made we have watch the 1974 and the 2000 one.

In the 1974 film version they go more along with the book then with the 2000 one. In this one they have better design and clothes that actually match the era not just a sort-of-rip off. The characters are more like in the book, this is how you would picture them. Except for Daisy she is a bit annoying in this film then in the other.

In the 200 one they foreshadow by showing you stuff from the future and the past. The characters except for Nick are a bit different then how you would picture them in the book. In this version Nick is actually more likable thenin the 74 one but in both versions they capture Nicks character.

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